6 Reasons why we are Truly Sustainable
At Komrads we commit to create a sneaker with the lowest possible impact on the planet we live on. It’s a promise to produce a sneaker made entirely of re-used and recycled materials,
without having to harvest any natural recourses. A sneaker that didn’t involve killing or harming animals or chopping down rain forests.
A sneaker that is a genuine solution to the problem, part of the circular
economy, produced with respect for people and planet. Without compromising on quality, comfort and design.

1. Recycled & Certified Materials
For the production of our sneakers we use materials that are: recycled, certified, vegan & tracable.

Ocean Waste Plastics
Seaqual is one of the most certified, earth friendly fibres in the world. It’s high quality recycled polyester yarn made from recycled materials including post consumer plastic bottles and plastic captured from the sea.
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Apple Skin
A renewing, ecological alternative to animal leather. 100% vegan and cruelty free.
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Recycled Cotton
Made from old clothes, not suitable for the second-hand circuit, which would normally end up in landfills.
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2. Ethically Made
Our sneakers are made in Portugal; therefore, we can guarantee that they are made under strict European working conditions.
Our fulfillment is handled by Nektari, a sheltered workplace, providing employment for people with disabilities, ex-convict and those who have a lesser change on the regular job-market. We feel blessed to work with them and learn from them.

3. Impact on the Planet
At Komrads we measure the impact we have on the planet. Our goal: step by step towards zero-impact.
Every sneaker has a story, a cost, and an impact - on people and planet. A fact, easily forgotten when faced with enticing green marketing.

4. Circularity: ReBirth program
Of the 24.2 billion pairs of shoes manufactured globally each year, experts say that most of them (97%) end up in a landfill or incinerator, because there are simply too many shoes and not enough recycling solutions.
This means only 3% of all sneakers are given a second life. We collect your old Komrads sneakers and use them to produce new raw materials.

5. Our Story
Our adventure started back in 2015 when Komrads was founded with one sole purpose: creating a sustainable cult brand rooted in current culture, embracing the now but with huge respect to the heritage of our product and the planet we live on.
Appealing to a community of dreamers, creators, musicians and believers.
We produce with respect for people and nature.

6. Activism
We encourge the many people to become #komradsofthefuture.